CTIBOR LEGAL is a law firm specializing in legal advice in the field of cyber security, ICT and ESG.
We believe that in the field of cybersecurity, the first step is prevention. We also know that failure
happens. We deal with both.
We have an eye for detail when it comes to ICT legal documentation. We understand HW/SW
solutions. We do not complicate the implementation of foreign
legal concepts.
ESG is the future, not just for Europe. We have respect, we help our clients to improve.


JUDr. Jiří Ctibor, LL.M., Ph.D.
Jiří has been practicing law since 1999. During his career, he practiced law in an international law firm. Later he became a founding partner in a Czech law firm, where he worked for 17 years.
Jiří specializes in the Cybersecurity Act (including the new draft based on the NIS 2 Directive), EU ESG regulation and ICT agreements, including specific agreements such as SLA, SMA, OLA or CSA. He also has years of experience in real estate law, environmental law, insurance law and franchising.
He is a co-author of the professional publication Franchising published by Wolters Kluwer.
Jiří speaks fluent English and German, with long stays in Germany and Australia.
He studied at the Faculty of Law of Charles University, the University of Hamburg and Central College Sydney.
He is a member of the Czech Bar Association.
JUDr. Martina Ctiborová
Before founding CTIBOR LEGAL, Martina worked as an attorney-at-law in international and Czech law firms since 2009.
She specializes in security incidents, cyber risk insurance and implementation of the new Cybersecurity Act based on the NIS Directive.
Martina speaks fluent English and German, with long stays in Germany and the USA.
She studied at the Faculty of Law of Charles University.
She is a member of the Czech Bar Association.

Explore the areas of law in which we can support you.